Monday, 27 April 2009

Identities - AV

So for my piece of AV work, the interview with myself, I've decided to write up a short script. I'm a terrible actress so I hope it goes alright.. Anyway, here it is.

Q: Hellow and welcome! How are you?

A: Great thank you

Q: First of all, what’s your favourite band?

A: I hate it when people ask that. I like lots of different bands and lots of kinds of music. I think by having to choose just one you’re kind of putting a label on yourself.... But if I HAD to choose I suppose I’d say The Smiths.

Q: They're one of my favourites too! Any favourite songs?

A: This Charming Man is one of my favourite songs of all time, though there are loads of others

Q: I hear you have a bad memory, is that true?

A. Oh, it’s not that bad, I mean sometimes I... Um... Sorry what was the question again?

Q: Er never mind, let’s move on. If you could be any animal what would you be?

A: Definitely a cat. It would be cool to be a lion or a tiger or something but I’d be content with being a housecat. You get to lounge around all day, sleep as much as you want and all the food comes to you. And you look pretty of course.

Q: So cats are your favourite animal?

A: Oh yes.

Q: Mine too! So here's a question for you, if you could invite five people, anybody you wanted, to a dinner party, who would you pick?

A: Gordon Ramsay, James May, David Bowie, Claire de Vries and Bear Grylls

Q: Where do you see yourself in five years time?

A: As a crazy cat lady!

Q: It's been great talking to you, thank you!

A: Thank you!
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