Monday 26 October 2009

Building, structure, environment?

I've been thinking about this on and off since the task appeared on the NOW, but my ideas are all really vague at the moment... I don't want to take on this brief too literally and make a website for some boring old building like a shop or a restaurant. Well I guess it depends what kind of shop or restaurant it was. What I think I mean is I don't want the website to just be plain information, 'about us' 'where to find us' 'history' etc. I want it to be fun, interesting and have some kind of user input.

The first idea that sprang to my mind was a public toilet, in a nightclub or something. I don't know why. Maybe it's a bit stupid, my boyfriend certainly gave me a funny look when I told him the idea... But I was thinking about those sites that post pictures of people in nightclubs, like, and maybe the same concept could apply to the toilets in the club? It would be more interesting if taking pictures of random people didn't require their consent, as I'm sure you could get some funny stuff, expecially towards the end of the night. Haha.

Byron's Grave
Lord Byron is buried in my hometown of Hucknall, and it's always been a bit of a shrine to me and my friends. I would love to make some kind of tribute to this in website form but I'm not sure I could do much without just going into the history of the poet, which is nothing original.

Other than that I don't know at the moment. I'm really quite hung up on that toilet idea...
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