Thursday 11 February 2010

Flash Banner Project

We're now required to create a Flash banner advertsing a mobile phone, that features animation and interactivity. It's supposed to be for the phone that we own, but everybody has the same one, an iPhone. Haha. I don't however, I have a really basic Nokia that everyone must think is primitive in comparison.

It's a Nokia 2330 and doesn't do a lot but at the moment it's working for me (until I get an iPhone ha).

I think a Flash banner for this phone should focus on its simplicty as a good thing rather than a hindrance.

After some doodling and sketching I've decided upon an idea I'd like to do but to be honest, I don't really know where to begin. I've been looking at some of the user interfaces of old operating systems, specificly Windows 1.0 to 3.1 which compared to the operating systems of today are extremely simple. I would like to create a flash advert that shows the desktop of one of these operating systems, and allows the user to click on the icons and such but with not many options available, demonstrating the simplicty of it. This could then eventually display a message such as "Not all technology should have stayed simple, but the Nokia 2330 should" or something along those lines. As in, it's good to be simple and not over-complicated! After all, not everybody actually needs a phone that can browse the internet or run loads of apps or even play music.

An advert like this could probably never be real because Windows wouldn't let Nokia display their OS in a bad light, even an old one. Another complication is the initial user reaction, as a banner just displaying an old OS could easily be ignored, in the same way the awful fake Windows popups are.

Aside from that, I have no bloody clue how to start the idea in Flash!
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