I think I like it!
I seriously need to get some reliable web hosting!
function getMyth()
var piMyths = new Array();
piMyths[0] = "Pirates only want things for free.";
piMyths[1] = "Downloading music damages the artist.";
piMyths[2] = "No artists support piracy.";
piMyths[3] = "Piracy is stealing.";
piMyths[4] = "Piracy will kill creative arts.";
piMyths[5] = "Digital piracy costs the industy billions.";
piMyths[6] = "Piracy is illegal, and therefore wrong.";
piMyths[7] = "Pirates are all young people who don't really understand how society works.";
piMyths[8] = "Using pay services is so much easier.";
piMyths[9] = "It isn't expensive to just pay for stuff anyway.";
piMyths[10] = "You don't support the band by pirating their music.";
var randValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * piMyths.length);