Monday, 2 November 2009

my website...

I don't think I can do it about a toilet... Maybe one day a website about public toilets that isn't a directory can exist, but I don't think that day is today.

So yes buildings are boring. But maybe I could make one less boring by making a fabulous website for it. Shame we can't make it about an imaginary place, I would gladly make the website for my future comic book store/coffee shop.. But saying that, perhaps I could make one for one of my favourite shops in Nottingham, Page 45. They do have a website but its been under construction for a while. Another idea is to focus the project around something I love; cats. Of course... There are quite a few catteries in Nottingham, but most of them have pretty awful websites.

Whatever I'm doing I think I should make a decision about it sharpish.
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