Tuesday 17 March 2009

Identities - Ideas

I've been thinking for a while about the actual design for my interactive box and I've had a few ideas, so I guess I should be writing about them here right?

1. Creepy Castle
An interactive Flash movie which allows users to explore a dark and creepy castle by clicking on different doors, e.g. great hall, dungeon etc. Each door would lead the user to a different element of my interactive box.

2. Peaceful Meadow
Another piece of interactive Flash. An image/digital drawing of a peaceful and beautiful meadow, possibly on a Summers day. Different elements of the scene would be animated, for example a bird flying overhead, or a cat leaping through the grass. The movie would play without any instructions and at first seem like it was just a piece of animation. Only by moving the cursor over the different elements of the movie would the user discover the links to different parts of interactive box.

3. Confusing link-crazy website
Much like the hypertext website Singaporeasy, or the baffling Mouchette.org. A website using both text and images as links to take users to the different elements of my interactive box. This method would have the links in seemingly random places, be rather hard to navigate, include nonsensical information and may not even look very attractive. Sounds crazy! But it works for these guys, and makes the website memorable.

4. Chapters of a Book
An interactive book created using Flash. Probably a huge old-looking hardback or leather bound book, like those seen on bookcases in old libraries. The user would click to open the book, which would contain an actual story. However, by clicking certain hidden words in the text the user would be led to different elements of my interactive box.
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