Monday 16 March 2009

Logo Design

In order to help myself with the design of my own logo, I feel it is important to look at some already existing designs to see what they're like and what makes them successful.

This images depicts the well known logo for Jaguar, a car manufacturer. It is instantly recognisable, and not only for the name, as people would still know the company this logo represents from seeing just the image of the animal itself. This is down to the simple yet effective design of the logo. It is memorable, easy to describe and works well without colour, rules that are essential to logo design according to Just Creative Design. Although it could be said that an animal and a car are completely unrelated things, it is fairly easy to see where the connection has been made by the car company. A jaguar is a powerful dangerous animal, and the company is trying to give off the same impression about their cars. Overall this is a very successful design for a logo as it has worked effectively for many years and I believe will continue to do so for years to come.

This is the Nike Swoosh (or tick as it is commonly known), a logo that few people will not recognise. Although here the company name, Nike, is not shown, it is pretty much guaranteed that anyone who is shown this logo will know the company it represents. It is a simple, memorable and easily described logo, rules which I mentioned earlier. Also, though it is shown here in orange, it is often used as a black or white image, and can easily be converted to any colour. The logo's effectiveness is reflected through it's long-term usage, originally being designed in 1971 and still going strong.

YouTube is a company that has been around for considerably less time than the previous two companies mentioned yet it has already because a successful and globally recognised brand. The website, which allows users to upload and share their own videos with others, reflects this purpose through their logo. The red box encasing the word 'tube' represents a television as this basically what the website makes your computer into, a television. The logo is very simple, being made up of really just the text, though I suppose you could say the red box was an image. This makes it very easy to describe to others, and also makes it memorable. It would be very easy to adapt the logo to other colours, though this has not yet been attempted by the company. Overall this effective logo has been very sucessful, and may have played a part in the overall success of the company itself.
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