Tuesday 17 March 2009

Whats in the box?

Okay so I've been working on this project for a while now, so I suppose I should outline some specific ideas for whats going in it. I'm going to go with a nature-themed interactive box, and this theme should apply to all of the elements included. I have decided upon this because I feel it will reflect my identity well, I love nature and consider myself a very natural person. Now that I've come to this decision I have created another moodboard to help me with my designs.

The different elements included in this digital moodboard reflect my identity in different ways, while all retaining the nature theme I'm going for.

With these points in mind, I feel I can now clarify what the different elements in my interactive box are going to be -

1. Logo - As shown previously, very simple, using the name Jennoefur. Image of a flower drawn very sketchily.

2. Avatar - Me in a field? Sleeping? Having a picnic? An animal? A plant? I don't know!

3. Audio Visual Element - An interview with myself. I will film myself both as the interviewer and interviewee then edit the film to make it seem like I am answering my own questions. I will be wearing different clothing as the interviewer and interviewee, possibly outfits reflecting different sides of my personality.

4. Website - A website about me, including a portfolio.

5. Interactive - To be honest I'm not entirely sure about this right now. I might create an interactive story using photos or short pieces of film, or I might make a Flash game of some sort.

To coincide with my theme and other elements, I've decided upon the meadow idea for the actual container of my interactive box.
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