Tuesday, 11 January 2011

PRP Progress

I'm very happy to have my PRP written document submitted and out of the way. I was fairly pleased with how it turned out in the end, though now it's done I keep thinking of other things I could have added to it. Never mind. On to the artefacts now...

I am currently finishing up a survey designed to answer the following questions -
  • How do people use mobile Internet?
  • Do people like using mobile Internet?
  • How often do people use mobile Internet?
  • Mobile or desktop Internet - which is preferred?
  • Using mobile optimized websites or full size websites - which is preferred?
  • What is the general user opinion of mobile internet? Good or bad?

I am also going to look at how people percieve mobile internet, and see if this affects the way they use it. For example if someone is expecting the experience of using mobile web to be difficult, they may be unprepared to try it or give up easily. The focus group held for my next artefact will be more useful for getting results in this area, as I will be able to see directly how people are using mobile internet.

However, something I am wondering about at the moment is the kind of audience that will be participating in my survey. The amount of experience they have with using mobile web could affect their oinions drastically. If someone has had no experience of it whatsoever then the results gained from them may not be very useful to me.

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